What can I say about my time in Stuttgart?
My family was amazing. The things I saw were mind blowing. The people I met were unforgettable. The time was too short, but also just right.
I've definitely learnt so much about myself and Germany and Germans.
Germany is a place so different to Australia and yet so similar it's almost impossible to make a judgment about whether I really mentally left Australia, I feel like I adapted to quickly to the little differences that I didn't have any culture shock. And it's hardtop have culture shock when the place and culture gefällt mir so sehr.
And as I leave it feel like I've achieved my goals so far, I've learnt so much about the people who I've lived among for 6 weeks but I don't know if this is to say I've learnt about the culture.
I've definitely learnt heaps aboutvthe language, how to structure and respond to the things said to me. But I really feel that only time will be a good enough filter of what I have learnt, so much still swirls in my head.
I will write again in the next couple days as I am still travelling in Germany and learning ever more!
Grüße von Köln!